Thursday, April 28, 2011


The second post of today.
I suppose to do my revision,
but I didn't touch at all.
Everything just ruin off my day.
You treat each of your girl friendssss so sweet so nice so fun.
Sometimes even like put them as priority.
But when it comes to me,
You scold me and remind me to keep distance from them.
I did. (if you are not blind)
Friends surrounding me saw the huge changes of me.
I followed and did the changes.
How about you? Can you ask yourself?
Will you do the changes for me?
Will you also keep distance from them?
Sometimes I really feel myself like transparent to you.
You always say me scold me shout at me.
I really wish I don have any feeling cells on my body.
I don't want to feel anything.
My past hurts me so deep.
I took so damn long only manage to stand up.
I don't want to feel the pain anymore.
My scars in my heart are still there.
Don't forget my heart is that small and fragile.

I cry everything to myself.
I hide everything to myself.
I don't want to tell you.
It is because I want you to find it yourself.
I want to confirmed you really know me.
You really know how to protect me.
You really know how to hold me tight.
You really know how to wipe my tears.
You really know how to feel me even I'm not talking.

I still remember you said to me last time,
no matter what, you will be here and protect me.
Do you really remember?

I'm tired...
I'm hurt...
I'm sad...
I'm lost...

sometimes i really feel the world left me


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