Thursday, January 20, 2011

Animation 0%

the very first assignment is to create an animation music video
by using Adobe Flash CS4 and Adobe Director 11
I totally have zero knowledge about these two software
and I don't touch things which related to animation
because I have no interest in it
and now, it is my assignment and I need to be done before the deadline
what a challenging task for me!
the song that I have chosen for this assignment is my fav song:
Valentine by Kina Grannis
I watched few of the animation videos in Youtube
and think about some ideas for the storyboard and storyline

will be have assignment discussion on this coming Saturday with leeyen
hope everything really goes smoothly and complete our next week task

and yeah, Valentine is on the way too.
what surprise are you going to give your beloved? :)

balancing myself in everything



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