Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"im scared to lose you"
yes,i do!
it always come into my mind

whenever i feel stress
especially about my studies
you will always be the one who accompany me
and the very first one beside me

you are the one who will always make me laugh
i can laugh as loud as i want
laugh as long as i can
without concerning about my ugly look
you will still beside me
seeing your 'laughing machine girlfriend'
people surrounding me might think that im crazy
but you wont :)

we kissed
only one kiss from you
my heart will melt
and i will definitely feel very warm

i get emotional sometimes
you will leave me alone
let me calm down alone
let me have a clear thinking without any disturbance
but somehow,
i need you
do you know that?
although i will tell you
"im nothing, dont worry"
but i still need your accompanies
because your concern,
can actually let me feel so warm when feeling emotional

im a girl
and i will feel scare sometimes
you are the one who will stay beside me
and tell me
'everything will be okay'

i smiled
because i feel happy
i feel happy whenever with you
i feel the sweetness of you to me

i cried
every time we had arguments
because my heart feel so pain
you know i din mean to argue
just that sometimes i cant control my emotion

crazy for you
you make me have the guts to take our first step (remember?)
you make me missing you like crazy whenever im at home
you make me feel like killing you sometimes
because you stole my heart
you make me so crazy
because you make me fall so deep on you

you love to bully me
you are always the winner for the every competition
guess what,
i love the way you bully me sometimes
although its just a joke
but for me,
i feel sweet
but don get too over i tell you! :P

i angry of you
girl need concerns,
but sometime you dont
you did wrong,
you wont say sorry
your terrible temper,
make things go worst sometimes
and now,
i can see that you are changing

its you
my dear
Tommy Lee Zhun Yi

don ask me why suddenly blog about you
because there are no reason

still remember that night,
your sister asked me a question...
"i dont understand why you will choose him? what you like about him ar?"

i choose you
because thats you!
i like you
because thats you!
i love you
because thats you either!

this is what we call l.o.v.e



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