Sunday, November 28, 2010


Finals done!
say bye to my Semester 5!
as all the DMC-ians know,
this sem really passed freaking fast
and all of us faced with all those tough subjects
this sem really drives me crazy
but at the meanwhile,
I've learned so much so much in this sem
how to be a good reporter...
how to be a good news writer...
increased the creativity...
knowing the process of publishing a magazine...
knowing the complicated of making tvc and radio ads...
learned the technique of being a good presenter...
build up my confidence of speaking in public...
time management...
it's fun!
this is call Mass Communication :)

say hello to semester break :)
what i should do during holiday?
no idea.
i want to go for trip lar!!! :(

one of my friend said that:
"haiyoooo~ jenny ar jenny~
you are getting fatter d. see your leg.
watch out your meal lar..."
(cheese, mayonnaise and chocolates is my FAV)
i think i should start to watch out my weight
in order to get nice clothes for new year :)

Dates with the boyfriend!
Dates with all my baby girls!
Shopping Spree!
Movie Marathon!
KTV Marathon!

i hope my sem break can full with interesting plans :)
how about yours?

say bye to study
(for the one month break)



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